Ideal Diet and Lifestyle for Diabetes

Ideal Diet and Lifestyle for Diabetes

Genes and lifestyle are the two major causes of Diabetes. The first one i.e. hereditary or which is transferred from parents is not preventable. It can be found in a newborn child as well. But we can reduce the chances of diabetes by following a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Ayurveda stresses on following a healthy lifestyle and diet as a long-term cure for diabetes. This diet and lifestyle change greatly help a diabetic patient lead a healthy and happy life for long. Here’s the recommended diet.

Choose a fiber diet. Including foods like oatmeal and other fiber cereals are always recommended.

Include whole grains in your daily diet as they help regulate the glycaemic response, improve pancreatic β-cell functions, and increase insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion.

Choosing bread and pasta made of wheat has a better healing effect. A diabetic patient should include low-fat and multigrain crackers, whole grain cereals and brown rice in their diet.

A diabetic patient also should consume garlic and onions. Allicin contained in garlic is known to reducing sugar level. On the other end, onion is characterized by low sugar.

Cheese and yogurt prepared with skimmed milk also ideal for diabetic patients. Green vegetables, black gram, and fish also should be consumed.

Following this healthy diet will help you fight diabetes in a more effective way. But when you see the symptoms of it, you should consult with a doctor at the earliest.