diabetes diet

Following a healthy diet and regular exercise are the two most successful ways to control diabetes.

Top Foods for Diabetes To Be Included in Daily Diet

Following a healthy diet and regular exercise are the two most successful ways to control diabetes. Once affected with diabetes, you can control it only with regular exercises and following a healthy diet. Here we are discussing three super foods for diabetes. Including these foods will improve your health and help you fight diabetes in a better way. Non-Starchy Vegetables Non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, beetroots, artichokes, asparagus and others have fewer carbs per serving. These vegetables not only satisfy your hunger but also

People with diabetes must take care to include foods with low glycemic index (GI) score in their daily diet.

How to Choose Foods for Diabetes Based on GI Score?

People with diabetes must take care to include foods with low glycemic index (GI) score in their daily diet. Some foods are healthy, nutritious and full of proteins and vitamins. But this does not mean that they are good for people with diabetes. Here is how you can choose the right foods with low GI scores. Choosing foods must be done very carefully. Besides nutrients, one needs to note down the glycemic index (GI) of a food before including that food into

Ideal Diet and Lifestyle for Diabetes

Ideal Diet and Lifestyle for Diabetes

Genes and lifestyle are the two major causes of Diabetes. The first one i.e. hereditary or which is transferred from parents is not preventable. It can be found in a newborn child as well. But we can reduce the chances of diabetes by following a healthy diet and lifestyle. Ayurveda stresses on following a healthy lifestyle and diet as a long-term cure for diabetes. This diet and lifestyle change greatly help a diabetic patient lead a healthy and happy life