Diabetes Treatment

Losing weight may help prevent diabetes to greater extents. If you have type 2 diabetes, try to lose weight and become more physically active.

How can weight loss help reduce risks of diabetes?

Overweight or obesity is proven to be one of the major reasons of diabetes after genes and lifestyle. Regular exercise and following healthy diet will help us maintain blood sugar levels under control and thus prevent the risks of diabetes. Losing weight may help prevent diabetes to greater extents. If you have type 2 diabetes, Rishi Hospital suggests you to lose weight and become more physically active. This will help you keep the blood sugar levels within the limit. YOU

Overweight or obesity is associated with a number of health problems including diabetes.

Diabetes and Overweight; Things to Know and Care

Overweight remains one of the major causes of diabetes. Control it to prevent or reduce risks of diabetes. Overweight or obesity is associated with a number of health problems including diabetes. It increases the risks of diabetes, heart diseases and certain types of cancer among others. Overweight in pregnant ladies affect the babies even. Here Rishi Hospital explains how the overweight affects diabetes. Health Problems associated with overweight include type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, certain types of cancer,

Diabetes and Treatment: Why Early Diagnosis Is Important?

Diabetes and Treatment: Why Early Diagnosis Is Important?

Diagnosing any sickness at its early stages remains crucial for preventing complications. This is very much true with diabetes which is one among the diseases causing most number of deaths. If you can recognize the early signs or symptoms of type 2 diabetes, then it will be easy for the doctor to diagnose the sickness and begin the treatment sooner. ALSO READ: SHOULD PEOPLE WITH DIABETES AVOID CARBS? For a diabetic person to lead happy life he needs to begin

Blood tests are the first ways to identify and diagnose diabetes. There are four blood tests to identify if you have developed diabetes.

Diagnosis of Diabetes; Types of Blood Tests

Blood tests are the first ways to identify and diagnose diabetes. There are four blood tests to identify if you have developed diabetes. Over the past couple of decades, Diabetes has grown as one of the major threats to human life. As this sickness can affect important internal organs like the heart and kidneys, one needs to be cautious of this. The first thing to prevent Diabetes is to diagnose and identify the sickness in the early stages of it. Let’s have

A quick look at the complications of diabetes.

Complications of Diabetes, A Quick Look

According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), Diabetes remains the seventh major cause of death in the U.S. Though this serious, chronic condition itself is manageable, its complications can severely impact on daily living. Complications of diabetes Some of these complications of Diabetes can be fatal if not treated in time. Here are some of the major complications. Dental and gum diseases: Though dental and gum diseases are not always associated with diabetes, these could also be formed as a result of diabetes. ALSO

diabetes types and treatments

Diabetes; Types, Treatments: An Overview

Over the years, Diabetes has become very common mainly due to the changing lifestyle. Genes also play their turn and as a result, this can be found in children even at their birth as a hereditary sickness. Diabetes, a chronic condition, affects the way the body processes blood sugar or blood glucose. It impairs the body’s ability to process blood glucose. Diabetes, if not managed properly, can lead to developing sugars in the blood. In turn, this increases the chances