
Losing weight may help prevent diabetes to greater extents. If you have type 2 diabetes, try to lose weight and become more physically active.

How can weight loss help reduce risks of diabetes?

Overweight or obesity is proven to be one of the major reasons of diabetes after genes and lifestyle. Regular exercise and following healthy diet will help us maintain blood sugar levels under control and thus prevent the risks of diabetes. Losing weight may help prevent diabetes to greater extents. If you have type 2 diabetes, Rishi Hospital suggests you to lose weight and become more physically active. This will help you keep the blood sugar levels within the limit. YOU

Overweight or obesity is associated with a number of health problems including diabetes.

Diabetes and Overweight; Things to Know and Care

Overweight remains one of the major causes of diabetes. Control it to prevent or reduce risks of diabetes. Overweight or obesity is associated with a number of health problems including diabetes. It increases the risks of diabetes, heart diseases and certain types of cancer among others. Overweight in pregnant ladies affect the babies even. Here Rishi Hospital explains how the overweight affects diabetes. Health Problems associated with overweight include type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, certain types of cancer,

Here are some body-gestures or instances which recommend you to schedule a meeting with the doctor to diagnose you with diabetes.

Diabetes: When to See a Doctor?

If diagnosed and treated in time, Diabetes is not a serious illness. But, a delay in beginning the treatment in time could lead to death. In short, it is very important to diagnose and treat it at the earliest as possible. How could you know if you have developed diabetes? Though analyzing the symptoms one may be able to identify it, not everyone can analyze it properly. ALSO READ: DIABETES AND TREATMENT: WHY EARLY DIAGNOSIS IS IMPORTANT? At first, people may go wrong

Following a healthy diet and regular exercise are the two most successful ways to control diabetes.

Top Foods for Diabetes To Be Included in Daily Diet

Following a healthy diet and regular exercise are the two most successful ways to control diabetes. Once affected with diabetes, you can control it only with regular exercises and following a healthy diet. Here we are discussing three super foods for diabetes. Including these foods will improve your health and help you fight diabetes in a better way. Non-Starchy Vegetables Non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, beetroots, artichokes, asparagus and others have fewer carbs per serving. These vegetables not only satisfy your hunger but also

People with diabetes must take care to include foods with low glycemic index (GI) score in their daily diet.

How to Choose Foods for Diabetes Based on GI Score?

People with diabetes must take care to include foods with low glycemic index (GI) score in their daily diet. Some foods are healthy, nutritious and full of proteins and vitamins. But this does not mean that they are good for people with diabetes. Here is how you can choose the right foods with low GI scores. Choosing foods must be done very carefully. Besides nutrients, one needs to note down the glycemic index (GI) of a food before including that food into

Radiculoplexus neuropathy also known as diabetic amyotrophy is another type of diabetic neuropathy. It affects nerves in the buttocks, hips, thighs, or legs.

Radiculoplexus Neuropathy or Diabetic Amyotrophy: Things to Know

Radiculoplexus neuropathy also known as diabetic amyotrophy is another type of diabetic neuropathy. It affects nerves in the buttocks, hips, thighs, or legs. People with type 2 diabetes and older adults are more prone to it. This type is also called proximal neuropathy or femoral neuropathy. YOU MAY LIKE: DIABETES AND TREATMENT: WHY EARLY DIAGNOSIS IS IMPORTANT? Symptoms Symptoms of Radiculoplexus neuropathy normally affect one side of the body. But, sometimes they may spread to both the sides. ALSO READ: COMPLICATIONS OF DIABETES, A

Mononeuropathy, another type of diabetic neuropathy, affects a specific nerve on the face.

Mononeuropathy: Symptoms and Treatments

Mononeuropathy, another type of diabetic neuropathy, affects a specific nerve on the face. Hence, this is also called focal neuropathy. This form of neuropathy also affects the nerves on middle of the body (torso) or leg. Older adults are most prone to this. Though Mononeuropathy often attacks suddenly and can cause severe pain, it usually does not cause problems for long-terms. The symptoms will go away in a couple of weeks’ time or within a few months. This type

Autonomic neuropathy is related to the autonomic nervous system which controls your heart, stomach, eyes, intestines, bladder, and sex organs.

Autonomic Neuropathy and Its Symptoms

Autonomic neuropathy is related to the autonomic nervous system which controls your heart, stomach, eyes, intestines, bladder, and sex organs. When diabetes affects nerves in any of these areas, you are said to have autonomic neuropathy. YOU MAY LIKE: DIABETES AND TREATMENT: WHY EARLY DIAGNOSIS IS IMPORTANT? Neuropathy is all about the nerves and the diseases which are related to them. Diabetic neuropathy is that form of neuropathy caused as a result of diabetes. There are various types of diabetic neuropathy.

Considering the symptoms of Peripheral neuropathy, the symptoms are often worse at night.

What is Peripheral Neuropathy? Symptoms and Treatments

Among the various types of Diabetes Neuropathy, Peripheral neuropathy is the most common form. It affects the feet and legs first, followed by hands and arms. Diabetes Neuropathy is the nerve damage caused by diabetes. There are various types of Diabetes Neuropathy and each has its own symptoms. Peripheral Neuropathy Considering Peripheral neuropathy, the symptoms are often worse at night. Its major symptoms include the following. ALSO READ: SHOULD PEOPLE WITH DIABETES AVOID CARBS? Numbness: Numbness or reduced ability to feel

A quick look at the causes, treatments and causes of Diabetes mellitus - Rishi Ayurveda Hospital.

What is Diabetes Mellitus? Complications, Causes

Diabetes mellitus, which is also referred to as diabetes, is a lifelong chronic disease here your blood sugar levels are high for a prolonged period of time. Similar to diabetes, it affects your body’s ability to convert and use the energy included in food. The symptoms of Diabetes mellitus include increased thirst and hunger, and frequent urination. There are mainly three types of diabetes viz. Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, and gestational diabetes. Every type of Diabetes mellitus has