Diabetes Types

Gestational diabetes is developed mainly by the hormonal changes of pregnancy. According to medical experts, genetic factors and lifestyle also play their roles

Gestational Diabetes; Causes and Factors

Gestational diabetes is that diabetes found in pregnant women. Though this can be developed at any stage of pregnancy, Gestational diabetes is more common in the second half of pregnancy. It can cause health problems to both the mother and the child, not only during the pregnancy but also after giving birth. Hence, it is important to diagnose and identify this at the early stages to avoid issues. CLICK HERE TO BOOK APPOINTMENT ONLINE WITH RISHI HOSPITAL Causes Gestational diabetes is developed mainly by

diabetes types and treatments

Diabetes; Types, Treatments: An Overview

Over the years, Diabetes has become very common mainly due to the changing lifestyle. Genes also play their turn and as a result, this can be found in children even at their birth as a hereditary sickness. Diabetes, a chronic condition, affects the way the body processes blood sugar or blood glucose. It impairs the body’s ability to process blood glucose. Diabetes, if not managed properly, can lead to developing sugars in the blood. In turn, this increases the chances