Diabetes Carbuncle

A carbuncle is a cluster of boils that is forming a connected area of infection. Carbuncles often occur on the back of the neck, shoulders or thighs. Diabetes is a disease that can make it more difficult for the body to fight against infection, including bacterial infections. For Diabetes patients it is very common that such boils are appearing in various parts of the body. The carbuncle fills with pus and develops white or yellow tips that leak, radiate, or shell.
Over a period of several days, many untreated carbuncles may rupture, discharging fluids. Carbuncle, also called as infective decay of skin and subcutaneous tissue. In an appropriate setting like uncontrolled diabetes or other immunocompromised states, the infection may spread in the subcutaneous plane and burrow upwards forming multiple pus points or sinuses.

According to Ayurveda Diabetes carbuncle is referred as “Pramekha Pidaka”. The treatment process is urbanised with the strong reference on ayurvedic Vedas and after various rounds of brainstorming sessions with acharyas and rishis from various parts of the nation. At Rishi hospital we have very effective and result driven treatment for diabetes and diabetes carbuncle. The process of treatment is based on natural herbs and ayurvedic medications which are developed inhouse under the strict supervision of medical and research teams.

Symptoms of Diabetic Carbuncle

  1. A painful, red bump that starts out about the size of a pea.
  2. Red, swollen skin around the bump.
  3. An increase in the size of the bump over a few days as it fills with pus(can sometimes reach the size of a baseball)
  4. Development of a yellow-white tip that eventually ruptures and allows the pus to drain out.

Treatment for Diabetic Carbuncle at Rishi

As the name refers the carbuncles are directly linked to the disease Diabetes. At Rishi hospital we have developed a cognitive process to cure the symptoms for diabetes. Through controlling diabetes, the allied diseased can also be controlled and the patients will have an experience to enjoy the real bliss of relief. The treatment process at Rishi are envisaged based on the ancient Vedas written by the acharyas who are considered to be the pioneers in Ayurvedic treatments. The medicines are prepared with precise overlooking by the senior doctors and research crusaders.