COVID – 19 disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus is relatively a new disease, with fresh information being known on a dynamic basis about the natural history of the disease, especially in terms of post-recovery events. After acute COVID-19 illness, recovered patients may continue to report a wide variety of signs and symptoms including low-grade fever, fatigue, body ache, cough, sore throat, difficulty in breathing etc. all of which may relapse and remit. If the symptoms persist for 4-12 weeks post-recovery, it is called ongoing symptomatic COVID and if they last for over 12 weeks, it is called post-COVID syndrome.
Keeping this in view, RISHI put forth a holistic rejuvenation and management protocol for follow up care and well being of all post COVID recovering patients incorporating conventional treatment modalities along with our C 30 IMMUNITY BOOSTER. The recovery period is likely to be longer for patients who suffered from a more severe form of the disease and those with pre-existing illness.
Ayurveda insists that any abnormalities in the body are caused by the imbalance of the elemental substances vata, pitta and kapha along with accumulation of aama. Addedly is the dhatu kshaya and agni mandya condition post COVID-19 infection. The impact depends upon severity of disease, prakriti ,satwa, satmya and age of the individual.
So, the focus is to bring the doshas in balance and detoxify the body to make it ready for overall healing. Our post covid management protocol completely revitalizes the body, restores balance to health and thereby ultimately prevents illness. Since the toxins are removed from your body, all the bodily systems can function more efficiently that eventually leads to a healthy and fit body and mind.
C 30 IMMUNITY BOOSTER launched a new by RISHI distinctively boost the immune system of each body constitution, thereby maintaining optimum health and preventing COVID-19.
COVID-19 can result in prolonged illness and persistent symptoms, even in young adults and persons with no underlying medical conditions. Here at RISHI, we provide a holistic and comprehensive management for the following post COVID symptoms.
- Low grade fever
- Cough
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Body ache
- Sore throat
- Diarrhoea
- Vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Insomnia
- Breathing difficulties
- Headache
- Chest pain
- Muscle pain and weakness
- Neurocognitive difficulties
- Skin Rashes
- Gastrointestinal symptoms
- Metabolic disruption (poor control of diabetes)
- Depression and other mental conditions
Need for proper management of post COVID-19 symptoms can be not only in prolonged illness, but also in young adults and children without underlying chronic medical conditions. An effective protocol is a need for managing post covid threat.
- Dipana Pachana (carminative and digestive herbs and diets)
- Dhatu Poshana (enrichment of the tissue elements)
- Vishaghna chikitsa (to combat the residual effects of the virus)
- Shamana chikitsa ( to restore the bodily functions)
- Panchakarma (detox modalities to remove the bodily toxins)
- Satvavajaya chikitsa ( ayurvedic psychotherapy)
- Sadvritta and Achara Rasayana ( behavioural therapy)
- Rasayana chikitsa ( total body rejuvenation)
- C 30 immunity booster
The treatment protocol varies according to the body constitution, strength and disease severity of each individual which will be intimated by our doctors.
- Dipana Pachana – Carminative and digestive herbs and diets aid in the digestion of ama (undigested) and make the agni (digestive fire) function well. They mobilize the toxins from shakha to kostha and thus help in easy expelling of doshas from the body.
- Abhyanga and Swedana (oil massage + steam bath) – Helps rejuvenation of body and expulsion of toxic wastes through skin.
- Vamana (emesis) – Medicated emesis therapy helps remove Kapha toxins accumulated in the body. It helps to restore normal health. Sense organs, mind and intelligence becomes clear and the person gains nourishment and immunity.
- Virechana (purgation) – Medicated purgation therapy completely cleanses the body of the pitta dosha, and removes toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder.
- Steam Inhalation – The key benefit of inhaling in moist, warm steam is that it may help alleviate irritation and swollen blood vessels in the nasal passages. The vapour may also support thinning of the mucus in your sinuses, which permits them to clear out easily. It also relaxes throat muscles, lessens soreness and inflammation and dilates blood vessels improving blood circulation. This allows breathing to return to normal and help you to breathe well. It is preferably advised to inhale steam via mouth and exhale via the nostrils.
- Dipana Pachana – Carminative and digestive herbs and diets aid in the digestion of ama (undigested) and make the agni (digestive fire) function well. They mobilize the toxins from shakha to kostha and thus help in easy expelling of doshas from the body.
- Udvartana (powder massage) – Whole body massage with medicated powder that aids in expulsion of toxins through skin.
- Basti – Herbal decoctions or herbal oils are administered through the rectal route that helps in balancing vata dosha and thereby nourishes the body. It expels toxins from the body channels.
- Shirodhara, Ksheeradhara or Kashayadhara – It stimulates the vital points on the head and improves circulation. You will feel relaxed and elated.
- Dipana Pachana – Carminative and digestive herbs and diets aid in the digestion of ama (undigested) and make the agni (digestive fire) function well. They mobilize the toxins from shakha to kostha and thus help in easy expelling of doshas from the body.
- Patra pinda sweda (ela kizhi) or Shastika shali pinda sweda (njavara kizhi) -Strengthens the body muscles and thereby helps in regaining the lost strength.
- Basti – Herbal decoctions or herbal oils are administered through the rectal route that helps in balancing vata dosha and thereby nourishes the body. It expels toxins from the body channels.
- Shirodhara, Ksheeradhara or Kashayadhara – It stimulates the vital points on the head and improves circulation. You will feel relaxed and elated.
- Abhyanga or pizhichil – external oleation through massage enables easy elimination of fat-soluble toxins and removes blockages created by metabolic waste.
- Shirodhara, Ksheeradhara or Kashayadhara – It stimulates the vital points on the head and improves circulation. You will feel relaxed and elated.
- Sneha Nasya – An excess of bodily humors accumulated in the sinus, throat, nose or head areas is eliminated by means of the nearest possible opening, the nose. Nasya with Anu taila or Ksheerabala taila are indicated in mild insomnia, irritability and conditions like depression.
Rasayana like Chyawanprasha, are given in respiratory tract illnesses like kasa (cough), shwasa (difficulty in breathing, bronchial asthma). It improves the retention power, intelligence, provides arogya (disease free state), longevity, and improves uro‑roga (diseases of chest region), hridroga (diseases of heart) etc. Pippali Rasayana is said to be best for kasa, gala‑roga (diseases of the throat), vishama‑jwara (fever with irregular nature, action, and time of onset). Naimittika rasayana like shilajatu correct the hyperglycaemic episodes and produce their effect by enhancing the agni and ojas status in the patients, thereby improving metabolic and immune status.
The proficient Doctor’s panel at RISHI advises a standard approach of mental health care incorporating our holistic treatment protocols and tranquilizing hospital ambience that can render the patient with quietude and thereby helps in subduing post COVID anxiety and stress. Our integrated treatment incorporating abhyanga(head massage) with oils and medicines inherited from the RISHI legacy has been highly evinced to soothe the mind. This, in turn, boosts blood circulation to the central nervous system and helps overcome sleeplessness and other insomnia related conditions.
RISHI apprehends the fact that a healthy mind is the ultimate requisite towards a healthy body. Our unique approach towards post COVID mental health care integrates modalities viz. Hypnotherapy, Cognitive therapy, Psychotherapy, Behavioural therapy, Spiritual therapy etc.