Thyroid is a gland in human body that secretes thyroid hormones, which primarily influence the metabolic rate and protein synthesis. Thyroid can always be considered as one of your hard working glands, this is the gland, which tells your body how fast to tick over by generating the known hormone called thyroxine. The gland is found on the neck below the adam’s apple. Nowadays the thyroid imbalance cases are growing at a faster pace and around 60% of the people are having medications related to thyroid imbalances. If not treated properly these imbalances can cause severe damage to the ecosystem of human body.
At Rishi we have developed a well balanced treatment for Thyroid imbalances. The treatment is fully ayurvedic and the medications are in such a manner that avoids any kinds of side effects. The process of treatment is conceptualised after years of experiments and undergoing the best in class treatments research processes.

“I was a diabetes patient for the last 3 years. My experience at Rishi Hospital was superior and well above medical treatment standards. The treatment helped me to get relief from Diabetes and now I could do all my daily routine jobs without the help of anyone. I am not using Insulin for past one month and the recovery from Diabetes was miraculous. I personally wish all the diabetes patients to experience the treatment at Rishi for a leading a very normal life.”Ms. Chandrika