A very result oriented treatment in Ayurveda which helps the patients to get relieved from the abnormalities in central nervous system. This treatment is very widely suggested to patients who are having severe headaches, sleeplessness and related symptoms. During this treatment process the doctors will retain specially medicated oil in head for an hour. For retaining the oil leather caps or similar items are used. The medicated oil retained in head ensures cooling effect to the head and as a result the patients enjoys relief from such discomforts.
At Rishi Ayurveda Hospital, the medicated oil is prepared in house by the medicine department under the strict overlooking from professionally excelling personalities (Doctors).
The preparation process is a complicated one which needs clinical perfection and also undergo varied levels of quality checks to ensure proper quality and accuracy. Our therapy team is fully trained to give world class treatments to our patients with utmost sincerity and dedication.
For Eye related disorders Shirovasti is a very result oriented treatment and many people are undergoing this treatment for better cure for eye disorders. Mostly this treatment enables the nervous system and rejuvenates the body for a better and bright future.