Ayurveda is an ancient system of life and also considered as the oldest surviving medical system in the world. Ayurveda is a combination of two words “Ayur” and “Veda”, where “Ayur” means life and “Veda” means science. Ayurveda is a science of life with a holistic approach to health and personalized medicine. Life in Ayurveda is conceived as the union of body, senses, mind and soul. The living man is a conglomeration of three humors (Vata, Pitta & Kapha), seven basic tissues (Rasa, Rakta, Mansa, Meda, Asthi, Majja & Shukra) and the waste products of the body i.e. mala, mutra and sweda. Ayurveda emphasizes upon life in general with bit more emphasis on human life. In Ayurveda, regulation of diet as therapy has great importance. This is because it considers human body as the product of food. The treatment in ayurveda is individualized having preventive, curative, mitigative, recuperative and rehabilitative aspects. The philosophy of Ayurveda teaches a series of conceptual systems characterized by balance and disorder, health and disease. The mission of Rishi is to bring the bliss of ayurveda to the mass and increase the acceptance for the same.
We at Rishi ayurveda, educates the patients on the basics of Ayurveda and the concepts behind the treatment process. At Rishi, all the staff and doctors are trained in such a way to address the queries of all patients and bystanders. Ayurvedic science is not merely a traditional Indian form of medicine but a persistent naturopathic system of healthcare that has endured the test of time as well as ambush of modern science and approaches of treatments. In Ayurveda food is basic to all the metabolic transformations and life activities. Lack of nutrients in food or improper transformation of food lead to a variety of disease conditions.
The core expertise of Rishi lies in Diabetic treatments. We have formulated a successful treatment module, which is transforming the lives of many people. At Rishi, we follow strict diets and our treatments are included with exercises and Yoga which will help the patients to be physically as well as mentally in line to the treatments.
For a common man, he / she feels like if her diabetic levels are in border or slightly above the line, they feel skeptical and they prepare their minds to align to a diabetic patient. No, it’s not necessary, at Rishi we have very successful treatment plan to bring them back to life with all fun. The treatment is in such a way that the patient is rejuvenated and his body is more lively than before to take up the challenges of life.